Sunday, June 22, 2008

Poster English Language Teaching ELT (English Adventure Publisher)

An ELT poster to be distributed in the Classroom for English Adventure Publishers - Herzlyah- Israel

"Left - Right", a book for little children (Eked Publishers)

Fifteen double spread drawings for "Left - Right", a book for little children for Eked Publishers - Tel Aviv - Israel

Didactic Comics for a Hebrew Schoolbook (Keren Tali publishers)

Five large didactic comics for Keren Tali Publishers - Jerusalem - Israel

Summer English Schoolbook ELT (English Adventure Publishers)

More than 60 illustrations and spots for an English Summer Schoolbook (English Adventure Publishers-Herzlyah -Israel)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Mathematic BooK (MATAH publishers)

Over 100 drawings for a Mathematic Schoolbook for MATAH publishers - Tel Aviv - Israel

Six Schoolbooks (ACH publisher)

About 1000 illustration drawings, didactical drawings and spots for a major six volumes schoolbook in a six weeks deadline for ACH publisher - Haifa - Israel

Summer Book (Yessod)

Two new Summer Books, illustrated for Yessod Publishers, more than 120 drawings